China’s three major carriers added 27 million 5G subscribers in September 2023

Marbridge Advice, 23/10/23

The listed arms of China’s three major telecom operators announced their total subscribers for September 2023, including a net subscriber addition of approximately 26.81 million 5G package subscribers in China, bringing their total 5G package subscribers to more than 1.306 billion. By the end of September, 5G bundled subscribers accounted for 75.8% and 75.8% of the total mobile subscriber bases of China Telecom and China Mobile, respectively.

Chinese mobile phone

China Mobile ( 0941.HK; 600941.SH ) reported a net gain of 3.56 million mobile subscribers during the month, pushing the telecom operator’s total number of mobile users to 990.03 million. China Mobile increased the number of its 5G package subscribers by 17.18 million to a total of 750.36 million.

China Mobile defines a 5G package customer as a mobile phone customer who subscribes to 5G tariff plans. Customers who subscribe to 5G tariff plans without subscription are not included in the operator’s total 5G subscribers.

China Mobile’s total number of fixed broadband subscribers (registered accounts) reached 294.68 million in September, representing a net increase of 4.23 million over the month and 22.52 million year-to-date.

China Telecom

China Telecom ( 0728.HK; 601728.SH ) saw a net increase of 2.16 million mobile subscribers in September, bringing its total to 405.81 million, of which 307.61 million were 5G bundled subscribers. During the month, the operator’s 5G user base increased by 4.63 million subscribers.

China Telecom lost 0.30 million landline subscribers in September, reducing its total to 102.13 million.

China Telecom reported that it added 1.49 million fixed broadband subscribers (registered accounts) during the month, bringing the total to 189.26 million.

China Unicom

China Unicom ( 0762.HK ; 600050.SH ) reported that by the end of September 2023, the total number of “Big Connectivity” subscribers had reached 959.30 million, up 12.08 million month-on-month and up 97.56 million from the end of last year. Is. 2022. China Unicom’s “Large Connection” category consists of the total of mobile phone bill subscribers, landline subscribers, fixed line broadband subscribers, IoT terminal connections, and network leased line subscribers. Of this total, 248.07 million were 5G package subscribers, representing a net gain of 5.00 million monthly and 35.35 million from the end of 2022. And there were 467.04 million IoT terminal connections, up 7.37 million month-on-month and 81.50 million from the end of 2022.

China Unicom also reported that the number of customers served by the industry’s virtual 5G private network was 6,897 in September, an increase of 390 month-on-month. The virtual private industry 5G network is a key measure in the Government’s 5G Plan (2023-2021) Action Plan.

Statistics of mobile phone subscribers for the three main Chinese telecommunications companies (unit: Mln)

Operator September 2023
Total at the end of the month
Combined percentage
5G sub-base installed
September 2023
Net change
Net change over time
The end of the previous year
Chinese mobile phone 990.03 3.56 15.03
5G package subscribers 750.36 57.45% 17.18 136.36
China Telecom 405.81 2.16 14.63
5G package subscribers 307.61 23.55% 4.63 39.65
China Unicom
5G package subscribers 248.07 18.99% 5.00 35.35

On September 28, Yang Guowei, vice president of the China National Radio and Television Administration, also announced that the 5G subscriber base of China’s fourth 5G network operator, China Broadnet, has recently exceeded 18 million. Broadnet officially launched 5G network services a little over a year ago, on June 27, 2022. As Broadnet does not yet report its 5G subscriber totals on a regular, monthly basis, Marbridge has not yet consolidated its totals with the other three Chinese carriers. above operators

National statistics
China Telecom
Chinese mobile phone
China Unicom
fixed line
Mobile subscribers
Broadband subscribers
600050. SH
601728. SH
600941. SH
Landline subscribers
Yang Guru



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#Chinas #major #carriers #added #million #subscribers #September
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