Take a trip to the space station or the beach – virtual reality has arrived in Bolton

The Vault game opened at The Vaults and officially launched on Monday.

It has a wide range of arcade and virtual reality games for every age group in the family.

There are roller coaster simulators and racing sims with people who can experience life at the International Space Center and even the beach for those looking to relax.

The Bolton News was invited to try out the games firsthand.

We tried the motorcycle simulator first and there were plenty of options to try, even slower thrills for people who aren’t into fast thrills.

Once connected to the headset, the experience feels very real through high-tech simulation.

It even comes with a warning for those who might feel motion sick, as the ride shakes the seat left and right as the rider practically moves along a space race track, a thrilling experience not to be missed. gave

Bolton News: vault game

It’s a new adventure for Bolton and even Craig Holden, who co-owns Game Vault with his brother, Martin, who said he had never tried a VR venture before.

“We had a soft opening for family and friends, and we took it down a notch,” Craig said.

I have never used VR before so I invited everyone to go and all the kids and adults loved it.

It goes from one extreme to the other, and VR can also simulate educational things like floating in space or exploring Saturn.

Bolton News: vault game

In addition to thrilling VR experiences, there’s classic Pacman, air hockey, car racing, first-person shooters, interactive darts, dancing and a host of kid-friendly games like Frog Jump, where frogs are carried by leaping up to earn points

For each game, purchased game coins are received from the front desk, 5 for five tokens, 10 for 12 tokens, and 20 for 25 tokens.

Anyone can show up on the day to try out the games.

#trip #space #station #beach #virtual #reality #arrived #Bolton
Image Source : www.theboltonnews.co.uk

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