Leica hopes its new $9,500 camera can save photojournalism from artificial intelligence

Image: charnsitr (Stock shutter)

Leica, one of the oldest, most respected Camera companies In the world, it has introduced a new $9,500 camera designed, among other things, to combat the scourge of digital tampering. particle for direct object M11-P It’s marketed specifically to professional photographers, and in addition to producing beautiful images, it includes a new watermark system that Leica says digitally stamps the authenticity of any image metadata.

One of the biggest problems with the artificial intelligence boom is creating anotherLots of misinformation online. It is now very easy to produce fake media content, be it deepfakes, or digitally altered or completely artificial images, which is basically what the world looks like. Drown In the said material, one of the most prominent solutions that have been proposed as a solution to solve this problem It is watermarking. Watermark works automatically Include identifiable assets to the metadata of an image, which then allows it to be confirmed as valid later.

Determining the authenticity of visual content has become increasingly difficult and important in the age of digital photography. Statement It is stated in the product announcement of Leicas. Now with the ability to provide this proof, we once again strengthen trust in digital content and restore Leica cameras as a reliable tool in documenting world events.

Leica says the M11-P produces images that are stamped with what Content Credentialsa calls a form of encrypted metadata in compliance with the Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI). CAI was formed recently industry group Made up of media companies, technology platforms, and NGOs, it says it is dedicated to an open industry standard for content authenticity and provenance. The CAI model uses hashes of cryptographic assets to embed identifiable signatures in image metadata (i.e., a watermark) and allows them to be authenticated. If the images processed by CAI are digitally altered (by Photoshop or other editing suites), the history of the changes is also recorded by the system. Credentials can be verified online later by plugging them in An online portal Related to CAI

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Image Source : gizmodo.com

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