What is Florida Man Games? The new event includes internet jokes

After years of being surrounded by “Florida Man” humor, event organizers in the Sunshine State are putting together a day of wild activity inspired by the trend.

The Florida Men’s Games are scheduled for February 24, 2024 at Francis Field in downtown St. Augustine. Organizers have described the event as “the craziest sporting event on earth” where people are invited to participate or watch.

Pool noodle fight? Check. Getting cash in a storm? Check. Beer belly ship? Check. According to the event’s website, there will also be an “Escape Arrest Obstacle Course” where competitors will jump over fences, backyards and away from real police officers. The matches are supposed to be “as unexpected as the headlines they inspire.”

An alligator is photographed in Wakodahatchee Lagoon on June 27, 2022, in Delray Beach, Florida. According to the event’s website, the new Florida Man Games, scheduled for February, will include opportunities for participants to take photos with alligators.
Bruce Bennett/Getty Images

A note on the event website’s FAQ page says it is “not required at all” to participate in the sport.

Outside of the main events, Florida Man Gaming lists a mechanical alligator, a mullet race, alligator selfies and a chicken bingo among its other entertainment options.

The term “Florida Man” refers to unusual or outrageous stories about men in or from Florida. The term started out as an Internet meme, but is also often used in news headlines. For years, the Twitter account @_FloridaMan He shared many of those stories with his hundreds of thousands of followers. The person who operated the account, identified in a The Washington Post Article as Freddie Campion decided to retire this account in early 2019.

According to Pete Melfi of the St. Johns County-based media outlet, The 904 Now is behind the February event. Orlando Sentinel. Melfi said he wanted to find a way to incorporate some of the more unusual or eye-catching incidents that have been featured in Florida Man headlines with a pageant-style event.

Sixteen teams will be selected by Nov. 30 to compete in the five main events of the Florida Men’s Championship, according to the event’s website. Teams that want to be selected must first submit a video explaining why they should be eligible.

Organizers of the event are “picking whoever has the wildest, craziest Florida man videos,” Melfi said. Guard. He added that people should not try any tricks that could threaten their lives or others.

During a Thursday morning appearance on the 904 Now show, Melfi said attention to the Florida man’s games is growing. He encouraged people in the area to sign up while tickets are still available.

“You’re going to have a chance to be famous there,” he told listeners.

Newsweek Event organizers were reached for comment on Thursday by email.