Train travel delights the internet even with “hateful” rides

In a delightful turn of events, the story of a train passenger’s subtle revenge against an obnoxious fellow passenger has captured the attention of the Internet and garnered widespread acclaim.

This story, shared by Reddit user skanus_cepelinai, details a recent encounter on a local train where they had to deal with two rowdy and unruly passengers sitting behind them. . The situation escalated when one of the two continuously shook skanus_cepelinai’s chair.

The traveler confronted the two, but was met with a brief pause before resuming their harassing actions.

The real turning point was when two troublemakers, clearly breaking the train rules, broke beer cans. The passenger sitting behind skanus_cepelinai made a questionable decision and put his beer on the tray attached to their seat. Sensing an opportunity, the Reddit user deliberately tipped the beer and spilled its contents all over the reckless rider.

“Oh, sorry!” said skanus_cepelinai with complete sarcasm. and quickly left the scene.

Above, a man helps his drunken friend. A recent Reddit post detailed people on a train drinking beer, which was against train rules.
SeventyFour/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Other Reddit users quickly weighed in on the scenario and celebrated skanus_cepelinai’s quick actions. One supporter said: “Good for you. Next step is to get a conductor to report the beer and throw him off the train.” “Well done,” another user simply exclaimed.

While this particular story has amused many, it points to a broader concern. According to a report by NBC News, disruptions caused by unruly passengers on airplanes will increase by 47% in 2022 compared to the previous year. These disorders included excessive noise, illegal consumption of alcohol, and other antisocial behaviors. This is a growing issue that many travelers feel is not being adequately addressed by the authorities.

Illegal consumption of alcohol on trains can be problematic, as demonstrated by an incident shared by Reddit user skanus_cepelinai. Such behavior not only violates some train regulations, but can also lead to disruption and conflict between passengers. Ensuring a smooth journey is essential for all passengers and incidents like this highlight the need to follow train etiquette and rules.

A man laughing at the camera
The man points and laughs. A Reddit user recently posted a story about how he spilled beer all over a reckless train rider.
Khosrork/iStock/Getty Images Plus

However, some argue that relying on train authorities is not enough. As mentioned in the supporting comments, travelers should be proactive and report such cases to ensure a comfortable and safe journey for all.

Others believe that while passengers can be part of the solution, the onus is ultimately on train operators to enforce the rules and ensure the safety and comfort of all passengers.

Regardless of the wider debate, skanus_cepelinai’s story of small revenge serves as a reminder that sometimes, a small act of defiance can bring a measure of justice.

In a world where confrontational stories often devolve into awkward arguments, this unique tale of turning the tables on an obnoxious roommate is plenty of reason to smile and say “well done.”

Newsweek Reached out to skanus_cepelinai for comment via Reddit.

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