Harris announces steps to curb artificial intelligence risks

Vice President Kamala Harris plans to announce a series of additional measures to curb the dangers of artificial intelligence on Wednesday, as she prepares to attend a global summit in Britain where world and technology leaders will discuss the future of the technology. .

On her trip, which begins Wednesday with a speech at the U.S. Embassy in London, Ms. Harris plans to outline the fences the U.S. government is seeking to build to manage the risks of artificial intelligence as it positions itself as a global slow Leader in the field

In sum, the steps Ms. Harris plans to announce seek to adapt the sweeping executive order President Biden signed this week and make its ideals part of broader global standards for a technology that holds great promise and risk.

They include a new draft policy from the Office of Management and Budget that will guide how federal agencies use artificial intelligence, overseen by a new chief artificial intelligence officer. He is also scheduled to announce that 30 other countries have joined a political declaration created by the United States that seeks to establish a set of norms for the responsible development, deployment and use of military AI capabilities, as well as $200 million in humanitarian funding for is help Support the goals of the government

The urgency of the moment must compel us to create a collective vision of the future, Ms. Harris plans to say Wednesday, according to prepared remarks released by her office.

The executive order Mr. Biden signed on Monday is the most specific US regulatory effort in artificial intelligence to date. Among other things, it would require companies to report to the federal government about the risk that their systems could help countries or terrorists develop weapons of mass destruction. It also seeks to reduce the risks of fake audio and video created by artificial intelligence that are difficult to distinguish from authentic videos that could influence elections or defraud consumers.

President Biden and I believe that all leaders, from government, civil society, and the private sector, have a moral, ethical, and social responsibility to ensure that artificial intelligence is adopted and developed in a way that protects the public from potential harm. and guarantee that everyone is capable. Ms. Harris plans to speak out to reap the benefits.

On Thursday, Ms. Harris will represent the United States at a meeting organized by British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, which is expected to include tech figures such as Elon Musk and representatives of countries such as China that are making advances in artificial intelligence.

The United States has lagged behind countries such as the European Union, China and Israel in regulating the technology, while Congress has yet to pass substantive legislation and many provisions of Mr. Biden’s executive order remain largely unenforceable. But the government has secured agreements from top companies, which have pledged to manage risks in the race for technology investment, and created a blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights that focuses on consumer protection.

Among other announcements on Wednesday is a virtual hackathon where the White House is inviting teams of technology experts to build models that can detect unwanted robocalls by scammers made from AI-generated voices to target vulnerable populations such as the elderly. They use, intercept.

Ms. Harris’s messaging will have a specific emphasis on the consumer protection aspect of AI, including how it can exacerbate existing inequalities. Research has shown that AI programs can inadvertently produce biased results that discriminate based on race, gender, or age.

Ms. Harris intends to focus on the full range of emerging risks, such as bias, discrimination and the spread of misinformation, and argue that the safety of AI should be based on the public interest.

Ms Harris’s visit to the UK adds to her role as a diplomatic force for the government, having visited 20 countries and more than 100 foreign leaders since her election. It also adds to his growing portfolio, which includes some of the toughest issues facing the United States, such as the immigration crisis at the southern border.

While in London, Ms. Harris plans to talk to Mr. Sonak about the Israeli-Ukrainian wars. She and her husband, Doug Emhoff, will also have a private dinner with Mr. Sonak and his wife.

Cecilia Kang The report helped

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Image Source : www.nytimes.com

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