Microsoft wants AI to solve problems developers say they don’t have

Microsoft envisions a world where a game developer can sit down at their PC, pull up an AI-powered design Copilot, and type in a text message to quickly generate everything from scripts and dialogue to search lines and sounds. Generate NPC.

But there are big questions: What is the problem these AI tools are trying to solve? For some developers, there isn’t one. A writer with 10 years of experience in the video game industry told Polygon that AI is a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist. (The author remained anonymous because they weren’t authorized to speak to the press.) And can AI really create interesting content when it can only really read data it’s scraped? Video game executives seem to think so. In a survey of 25 game executives, Bain & Company found that leadership believes more than half of the video game development process will be supported by generative artificial intelligence in the next five to 10 years. The people who actually make games aren’t so sure.

On Monday, Microsoft announced a partnership with Inworld, an AI game development company that is creating AI tools, including an AI character execution engine that essentially gives NPCs endless conversations and quests in real time. Microsoft says these tools are helpful, a way to empower developers in the game design process. Inworld said these tools could alleviate time and resource constraints to ship games faster with wider and more immersive worlds and stories, according to their respective posts on the subject. (Representatives for Microsoft and Inworld declined to be interviewed for this story.)

Video game studios, both large and small, have begun experimenting with artificial intelligence generation tools, such as those offered by Microsoft and Inworld: Ubisoft introduced its Ghostwriter tool in March, which is used to generate the first drafts of Pars. Used, such as when a character shouts Grenade! Or fire in the hole! For example in a multiplayer shooter. high in life Developer Squanch Games used artificial intelligence art for the scenery and voice acting. CD Projekt Red used artificial intelligence to recreate the voices of the actors after their deaths with the permission of the family. And more acquisitions are only expected, as companies like Riot Games and Nexon America look to hire AI experts to build their own in-house tools.

Artificial intelligence as a concept is vague to understand. It means something different to most people you ask. But it’s safe to say that game developers have already used artificial intelligence to create dynamic NPC reactions in combat. But generative AI is something entirely different, with different applications. AI in general has been used by game developers since the dawn of the medium, but usually in terms of things like enemy behavior or procedural generation, narrative designer Anna Webster told Polygon. Producing synthetics do the same things that writers are hired to do. that the authors enjoy They do and are trained to do it expertly.

What they want in this case is productive artificial intelligence. That is, something that can apparently provide content to support those who work creatively. “You know, something that humans really enjoy doing,” he told Polygon. Not sure why I or anyone would want to give that part of my job to a machine.

The only people interested in making bigger video games on a shorter timeline are executives, several game developers told Polygon.

“AAA and AAA-plus get really expensive because of more assets, more content, and a bigger world,” said a writer with 10 years of experience. And you have to fill those worlds. Who is going to do this? It needs an army of designers, an army of writers. If you can somehow reduce that aspect of time, effort, and people paying to do it, you’ve cut yourself a lot of money and you’re saving there.

As New York University assistant professor Julian Toglios told Polygon, a tool like Inward AIs Copilot creates content searches, information, dialogue, things that a studio was already planning to create, but cheaper and faster. . But Microsoft’s runtime AI does something completely different and completely new. It adds generative capabilities to the video game itself, creating a forever game with endless content possibilities. He said it has the potential to redefine how games are made. He said that this is very interesting and may open up new types of games.

A game will forever grab the player’s attention and hold it for as long as possible. Artificial intelligence makes this dream closer to reality, and executives do not need to spend human resources. It goes without saying that the AI ​​can respond to player feedback in real time. While the idea of ​​AI characters is interesting to some developers Polygon spoke to, the tools leave more questions than answers: Do we need a game forever anyway? Can it really create a great experience? Generative AI works here. Very Simply put, by learning from a set of textual data and using predictive text to generate responses to queries or requests. It can only regurgitate ideas that already exist, without any human spark.

You will have a small collection of information to get creative. It will start to feel the same. The author with 10 years of experience in the industry said that the same gray sludge is repeated endlessly. It’s bad for the writers who create the video game stories, but it can also be bad for the players.

How generative AI learns with such massive data sets is also an unanswered question. As in other industries, developers are questioning whether creators whose copyrighted work has been scratched by an AI can claim AI output. It’s not clear, but I think this problem can be solved with new models trained on licensed or Creative Commons work, Toglios said. Webster described this output, trained on copyrighted works or the works of artists and writers who did not consent, as the worst kind of chicken piece, made up of dubious and composite parts. [And its] A piece of chicken that potentially violates intellectual property and copyright law.

Toglios told Polygon that he uses generative AI to create dynamic NPCs does not get used to It’s actually faster or cheaper, but it has the potential to inspire entirely new types of video games. If you want to do something [large language model]Efficiency based NPCs, you have to design for that from the ground up. It’s a much harder way to use AI, but I’d argue it’s more interesting. He also pointed out other applications beyond content creation for generative AI, how programmers can use it to generate code or learn to code.

Matthew Sage Burns, who created Eliza, a visual novel about an artificial intelligence treatment program, has played with tools and the possibility that generative artificial intelligence will be useful in the future. He doesn’t disagree, but right now, he said, game developers are just looking to solve the problem, beyond executives looking to make bigger, cheaper games.

“I played with them a little bit,” Burns said. They were interested in it, right? Like, if someone says, oh, this is a tool that makes your job easier, and it makes it more fun and it takes the hard work out, and you can focus on being creative, that sounds great, right? ? But we’ve tried all these tools, and we haven’t seen the amazing benefits that the hype is promising.

These questions are not too different from those asked in other parts of the industry, such as video game performance. Video game performers, including voice actors and motion capture artists, with the Screen Actors Guild-SAG-AFTRA are currently negotiating with a group of video game companies to secure AI regulations. are. Sara Sekora, voice actress and actress who played in it Genshin Impact And Fallout 76told Polygon that voice actors are looking into whether or not they can consent to the use of artificial intelligence to replicate their voices.

The scary thing, he said, is that people steal our voices without consent. Every job we’ve worked on for video games or animation, we’ve signed full permanent buys that make [companies] Full rights to the content, meaning they own it. They can import it into a device and do whatever they want with it.

Some actors signed away these rights years before generative AI was used in this way. “We didn’t know that was happening,” Sekora said. Now we have a new language [National Association of Voice Actors] Riders and other things to help protect us. And it’s on top of the artificial intelligence protections that SAG-AFTRA seeks to secure voice actors. (Television and cinema actors ended their 118-day strike after reaching an agreement with Hollywood production companies.)

It’s a fight the Writers Guild of America began earlier this year after a 148-day strike over a new minimum initial agreement that would guarantee regulations on the use of artificial intelligence and document the limits and rules in precise language. The new contract does not limit the use of AI, but rather focuses on how AI is trained and how authors are credited and rewarded. It’s a guideline that video game writers might consider in outlining how to regulate the productive use of artificial intelligence in the video game industry, although the industry does not have an industry-wide union like Hollywood writers.

At the moment, game developers who spoke to Polygon have far more questions than answers. However, there is one answer that game developers think is obvious: invest in the developers you have and bring in new voices.

Burns said game developers are some of the most creative people on the planet right now. The problem is not thinking of new ideas. Every game designer has a million ideas and many of them can be true. It’s weird to me to say that game developers can get more creative with AI. If managers really wanted more creative work in games, they should invest in game developers themselves, new human voices and perspectives we haven’t seen before.

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