Tear Down: Redmi Watch 3 – Built-in computing design

Tear Down: Redmi Watch 3 - Built-in computing design

By Rich Nass Executive Vice President Designing embedded computing November 01, 2023 weblog The Redmi design team was able to capture the small size and long lead times with minimal BOM. When designing any product, there are always trade-offs that need to be made. In the case of a consumer device, such as a smartwatch, …

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Android’s built-in QR scanner will soon help you add authorization to Google Wallet

Android's built-in QR scanner will soon help you add authorization to Google Wallet

Summary Google Wallet expanded its functionality to include the ability to scan and store various types of permits, such as flight tickets and smart health cards, using Android’s default QR code scanner. Code in the latest Google Play Services beta shows that Android’s built-in QR code scanner will soon get the feature, allowing you to …

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